Dec 05 2014

NMIS Version 15

By listening to our customers and implementing their suggestions we have developed a comprehensive solution for all departments. Here is an overview of our NMIS product suite including a sneak peak of version 15. NMIS OVERVIEW NMIS was created in 1985 as a way to manage basic record keeping for Nuclear Medicine departments. It has […]
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Sep 09 2014

How Can BioTrax QMS Help Your PET Facility?

BioTrax QMS™ by ec2 software solutions was conceived by an experienced cyclotron executive to create an electronic means to insure and document that the manufacturing processes under his oversight represented best practices and would withstand FDA scrutiny. Cyclotron facilities invest heavily in the technology needed to produce doses but many operators, ironically, fail to take […]
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Sep 02 2014

Nuclear Medicine in Hospitals

Nuclear Medicine uses very small amounts of radioactive materials (radiopharmaceuticals) to image, diagnose and treat disease. Nuclear Medicine imaging provides doctors with information about both structure and function of the body. In imaging, the radiopharmaceuticals are detected by special types of cameras that work with computers to provide very precise pictures about the area of […]
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