Apr 18

ec² Tech Tips

Welcome to Tec²h tips

It’s our goal to bring you the latest support tips, to make sure you are getting the most from your ec² Software. Do you have a topic you’d like to hear about? Let us know by replying to this email and we will make sure to include your question!

Internet Access
Did you know that Internet access can be very useful to access our online Support Portal for technical support? This allows our application team to visualize your screen and help you in a more efficient manner.

Contacting ec²software (NMIS/Biodose)
Did you know that you can contact us online?

  1. From our website, www.ec2software.com, go to support fill out the contact form with your question and click on submit, a representative will be with you shortly.
  2. Also from our website you can chat directly with our Support Reps!
  3. You may also email us at [email protected]
  4. From NMIS/Biodose® go to  Help on the top tool bar click on “Send Support Request”  fill in the info and a representative will contact you shortly.